Rahul Kumar Padhy
Ph.D. candidate
Engineering Representation and Simulation Lab
University of Wisconsin-Madison
I'm a Ph.D. candidate at UW Madison in the Engineering Representation and Simulation Lab advised by Prof. Krishnan Suresh. My work is at the intersection of fluid mechanics, photonics, topology optimization, bio-inspired designs, machine learning, and computational methods.
PhoTOS: Topology Optimization of Photonic Components using a Shape Library
Rahul K Padhy, Aaditya Chandrasekhar
Submitted to Engineering with Computers, 2024
VoroTO: Multiscale Topology Optimization of Voronoi Structures using Surrogate Neural Networks
Rahul K Padhy, Krishnan Suresh, Aaditya Chandrasekhar
Submitted to Engineering with Computers, 2024
TOMAS: Topology Optimization of Multiscale Fluid-Flow Devices using Variational Autoencoders and Super-Shapes
Rahul K Padhy, Krishnan Suresh, Aaditya Chandrasekhar
Rahul K Padhy*, Aaditya Chandrasekhar*, Krishnan Suresh
Engineering with Computers, 2023
*Equally contributed
Presented paper titled “GPGPU Acceleration of Iterative Methods to Solve Pressure Correction Equations using OpenACC” in 7th International and 45th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power held at IIT Bombay
Presented paper titled “CFD Studies of Liquid Draining from a Propellant Tank Under Varying Gravity Conditions” in 7th International and 45th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power held at IIT Bombay